
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It's not having what you want; it's wanting what you've got ~Sheryl Crow

This always has been and always will be my favorite quote. I had a difficult day today- among my worst here so far- and I realized that I was consumed with what I don't have: a job I like/that pays enough, a group of friends in the City, a singing gig, a boyfriend, etc. Not even a prospect of these things. I was in a terrible state around 10am this morning, mulling over my loneliness and discontent. Only when I stopped to think of all the things I do have- my brother and Lindsay, Brittany, working arms and legs, a roof over my head, savings- did I feel a bit of the weight leave my chest. Mind you, it was just a bit of the weight, but some lightness is better than none.

Freedom lies in being bold.  ~Robert Frost

Freedom is knowing you have the ability to make your own choices. As I've said many times in this blog, happiness is a choice. And all decisions in life have the underlying purpose of bringing happiness. Thus, ultimate freedom is making the choice to be happy. Tonight, Brit and I were on the elevator after a trip to the park and CVS when I noticed we were with a man who happens to be on the elevator with me at least two days a week. Rarely do you see the same person twice in this building since there are over 40 floors and six elevators. Without thinking, I stuck out my hand and said "Hi, I'm Shannon! I feel like I keep seeing you on the elevator." He smiled and replied "I'm Chase. And yes, it seems to be happening a lot lately." By that time, we'd reached his floor and he wished us a good night. Brittany looked at me and said "Shanny! That was so bold of you! Especially considering he was a blonde." I love how she knows my type. I think that after my emotionally-distressing day, I wanted to know there are still options for friendships in this city and that it's still in my power to create them. Simply shaking a stranger's hand brought me happiness, reminding me that I have the freedom to create my own happiness if I'm just bold enough to do so.

I, who have no sisters or brothers, look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends.  ~James Boswell 

I have my brother in New York. How awesome is that? Never will I be without a trusted friend.

A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage.  Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort.  ~Sydney Smith

Not simply in singing as it so relates to my life, but talent is held by every person on this planet. There exist extraordinary sales people, business people, artists, dancers, scientists, designers, engineers, and counselors. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the tools to develop their talents. For most of us in the U.S., however, there is no excuse to let our gifts go to waste. Not only will pursuing them bring greater personal satisfaction, but most talents are highly useful or enjoyable to those around us. With such fruitful rewards to be discovered, why do we not work to unveil the depths of our abilities? Because it takes too much energy and we are scared. We fear that the outcome won't be worth the effort. No one wants to fail. Not to mention we are lazy. I'm still working on building courage and overcoming laziness so that my talent is not lost to the world, but the least any of us can do is make the first effort.

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.  ~Marion C. Garretty, quoted in A Little Spoonful of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul

My mom accidentally dialed my number this morning just as I reached my breaking point while printing my resume to apply for new jobs and realizing that I'd bought a $5 box of cereal that I don't even like. I broke down when I heard her say "Woops! I didn't mean to call you! But I wasn't going to hang up since the phone was already calling you!" Through muffled tears, I told her it wasn't a good time. She said "Actually, I think it was the perfect time." Without even meaning to, she somehow called at the exact moment I needed her. She's truly my fuel when keeping my head above water seems impossible- this morning being one of countless examples.

Optimist: someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it's a cha-cha.  ~Robert Brault

I could teach a cha-cha class at this point. At least I'm dancing through life :)

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.  ~Author Unknown

If you read this blog regularly, you've probably figured out that I could talk about my friends in every single post if I didn't realize it would be repetitive. But how could I leave them out when I'm doing a post about quotes? Also, my friends who came in town this past weekend brought me so much joy that it's still on my heart to talk about them...and all of the people whom I love so dearly. Claire, Lindsey, and the rest know that I have some major imperfections that require regular forgiveness. Probably more than most. Yet they all build me up so consistently that the shame and guilt surrounding my cracks is almost completely expunged. They forgive my wrongs and show me the true meaning of unconditional love and deep compassion. I aim to instill in them that same confidence in their "good egg-ness" through returning the adoration and support they shower on me.

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