
Monday, December 12, 2011


The process of moving is a pain in the derriere. I'm so excited to have found a new place to live as of Sunday, but getting out of the old apartment is just as stressful as finding and moving into the new apartment. In order to receive back my security deposit, our building requires cleaning beyond spic and span. Thank goodness Elle's parents came in town, because they're fighting some of the move out charges on our behalf. Management can't seriously charge us for repainting the entire apartment when we did not leave any dents or marks on the wall. Natural discoloration over time is not our responsibility, particularly in luxury apartment that we've only lived in for a few months. I don't have the energy or experience to argue these things, however, which is the nice thing about living with a college student whose parents still come around for a move. These are the kind of things I just don't want to deal with on top of the normal to-do that comes with changing addresses.

Packing, washing, discarding, and re-packing monopolized most of today. Tomorrow brings the joy of scrubbing, mopping, and sweeping. Wednesday rounds out the excitement with lugging furniture into Lauren's (my good friend from Busch Gardens whose room I've been subleasing) U-HAUL. Once all of those things are complete, I will then attempt to find a taxi big enough to carry my 6 bags and a friend (any takers?) who will help me haul everything up the stairs into my next apartment. I'm tired just thinking about it.

As much as I'm dreading/currently hating the move, I'm beginning to feel a swell of excitement for this next chapter in my New York life. Once I have my own room that I can occupy indefinitely, the settled feeling I've been waiting for can finally flourish. When you are in a temporary living situation, it's nearly impossible to feel completely at home. A door to close and a room that doesn't have an end date brings relief and the ability to focus on other areas of a more consistent job. The promotions have been great, and I plan on continuing to work for the attorney, but promo season will slow down after the holidays and leave me with no choice but to find another way to pay rent. Since the housing ordeal will be established by then, I'll have no reason not to make the job search my priority. One thing at a time!

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