
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Post-Christmas Exhaustion

So much for my new apartment. The roommates are nice and the location could be worse, but the neighbors' loud music combined with the lack of ventilation in my room just isn't cutting it. Tomorrow, I'll be re-packing all of my bags and moving into my stepmom's friend's apartment in Manhattan. Although a temporary set up, sleeping on her futon will at least prevent me from ripping my hair out in the middle of the night from loud techno bass. On top of it, I doubt I"ll feel as stuffy in a room that gets a little healthy sunlight. New glamorous.

Thank goodness for Rayna and Kelly. They're letting me sleep at their apartment tonight before I make the move tomorrow. I'm absolutely exhausted from the long ride home today, so I think I'd truly lose it if I were kept awake by neighbors tonight. Because I had to get up early this morning, my last night in Virginia Beach was not nearly as exciting as Monday and Tuesday nights, but I don't think I could have stayed up later than 11p.m. anyways. I didn't sleep much earlier in the week due to social hours that were essentially unorganized high school reunions. The few days following Christmas were a blur as I somehow found time to see New Year's Eve with Stephanie, have brunch with Lauren (same Lauren whose room I originally subleased in NYC), get a haircut, visit Polly (my old pageant director), grab sushi with Wes (Polly's grandson/close friend of mine), reunite with one of my best friends, Jessica, attend an engagement party, make an appearance at a going away party, and hang out at C.P. Shuckers, Chicks, and Lynnhaven Pub (three of my favorite local spots). Whew.
Wes and I entertained ourselves at lunch by sending creepy pictures to one of his friends...this is my go-to creepy face. Pretty, right?
Unfortunately, the madness won't slow down until after New Years, but might as well have as much fun as possible while I'm alive and well! This is officially the shortest blog post in the world, but I'm unable to sit up any longer...

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