
Friday, December 16, 2011

'Bound for Broadway' Showcase

I was waiting to write about my showcase this past Sunday until the videos were ready...and now they are! I'm not going to say too much because the videos pretty much sum it up, but I will say that my dad's surprise visit from Virginia and the big group of my friends in the City who showed up made me the happiest girl in the world. My friends and family are the best!

My first song was "Much More" from the longest running Off-Broadway musical, The Fantasticks. I had the pleasure of playing the lead role in my high school's production of this show back in 2004, and it remains on my "must play again" list (preferably in the actual Off-Broadway production). Louisa is an out-of-her-mind 16-year-old who has to take off her rose-colored glasses as she grows a little older. "Much More" is from the beginning of the show, when she has big dreams and aspirations with no fear of consequence. Enjoy!

I wanted my second song to contrast the first both vocally and character-wise, so Meg suggested "Fine, Fine Line" from the popular contemporary musical Avenue Q. I fell in love with the lyrics and decided to learn it for the showcase. In case you don't know me or have not read much of this blog, you need to know that this song completely sums up my love life. If a nice guy is interested in me, I'm chemically incapable of returning the feelings. If an unattainable guy who a) has lots of ex-girlfriend or miscellaneous commitment baggage, b) lives/is moving far away, c) is off-limits (i.e. family friend...okay, fine, older brother friend), or d) all of the above, I'm swept away in a matter of seconds. These impractical rendezvous last anywhere from over a year to a single month...once even just in my head, each time leaving me utterly hurt and "bewildered" as to why they ended, despite knowing full-well that they'd never legitimately work. Needless to say, I didn't have to dig too deep for this one:

After the show, most of my friends and I went out for a quick celebratory drink. Having so many of my favorite NYC people in the same place was a rare treat- one more reason to keep performing!
After the show with a few of the people who came!

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job last Sunday Shan! Very proud of you:)
