
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You Only Live Once

Tonight's the big night. I leave for New York City. To describe what I feel would be impossible...somewhere in between excited and terrified. I know I'll be okay, but jumping into such a different world is really overwhelming. As I've been packing and saying my goodbyes, I've realized more and more that this isn't just some small adventure like dog sledding or going off to college. I'm starting my life and moving somewhere indefinitely. Not only am I making a permanent move, I'm making a permanent move to the most expensive place in the world that requires a head first, fast pace lifestyle. Thank goodness I've been there enough to know I'll love it. I guess it's just all the stress of moving that starts to make the whole thing seem insane.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to say bye to every single person I would have liked to in Virginia, but I did do some pretty good work in the goodbye department (if I do say so myself). Last weekend was for my D.C. friends, Friday night was dedicated to Jen, Mike, Rich, and the crew that I met in January, Saturday I went to lunch with Neil and then out with Stephanie (Miss VA girlfriend) and her sorority sisters, Sunday I had a goodbye dinner with friends from work, and yesterday I went up to Richmond to say bye to George, then down to Williamsburg to spend some time with one of my best friends from Busch Gardens, Smithers. I'm pooped, but SO glad I was able to see SO many people who mean SO much to me. [Picture: Neil, me, Kenon, and Ashley after my work-people + Neil goodbye dinner on Sunday]

With no more time to say goodbyes, I had to finish packing/figuring out my plans today. Thank goodness it looks like my Aussie roommate is a great guy, cause he's going to let me into our place at 7am tomorrow morning and help me get a bit settled before he takes off for work. I know the apartment is going to be absolutely stunning since it overlooks downtown Brooklyn and is in a great area, so that will be really fun to finally see in person. It will be even MORE fun when my fabulous roommate, Brittany, moves in in a week and a half! I'd tell you more about her, but she deserves her own blog post, so I'll wait until the time is right to write about her amazingness.

Anyways, sorry I'm brain dead from all of the busyness. I know this post is super short and not very entertaining...maybe it's also because I'm starving and I shut down when I need food (very similar to a four year old- without food and sleep, I'm VERY cranky). None-the-less, I wanted to write something because in 2 1/2 hours, Neil will be picking me up and taking me to the bus station! Let my new life begin. They say you only live once...well, here goes! 

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